Ready to get to work on your roof? Slow down. No matter how important the job might seem, your safety and the safety of those working on your roof is of top priority. At Capital Roofings, we take a few key steps to ensure that anyone who gets up on a roof for repairs and replacements understands the keys to roof work safety – and we have the reputation to back it up. If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of handyman, take note of the following measures to protect yourself.
Depending on how steep your roof’s grade is, investing in roof brackets and/or a roof safety harness is one of the first steps to completing a roof job the right way. Also utilize a sturdy, preferably aluminum or fiberglass extension ladder. The ladder should be tall enough to reach about 36 inches past the edge of your roof where the gutters are located, so you have somewhere to hold with your hands while you step onto the roof itself. Make sure the ladder is level before climbing it up to your roof top. Use wood slabs to prop up one side if it’s not initially level. You can also use rope as a sort of anchor for your ladder.
If it’s your first time up the ladder (or any ladder, for that matter), do not carry anything up with you for the first trip. Ideally, roof jobs are done in partners or a group, so ask someone else to hoist up all the supplies you’ll need on demand. You can also create a sort of pulley system with a bucket, rope and ladder rung to help carry the weight of the load.
Before getting up on the roof, make sure of two things. One, use sight and touch to determine whether the roof is wet or slippery. If it seems to be either of those things, leave the work or project to another day. A slippery roof is simply too dangerous for workers to take their changes on. But, if the roof seems safe, double check the soles of your shoes to make sure you’ll have adequate traction.
When you’re on the roof, make sure to stay hydrated and utilize fellow workers in helping you move supplies and yourself across the roof surface. Always make sure you make contact with the roof in at least two places at all times.
If you have any more questions about roof work safety or would like to schedule an appointment with Capital Roofing, call today. We’re happy to answer your inquiries and help you get the job done right.
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